Find Your Other Soul Mate

Find Your Other Soul MateThe process of finding love is perhaps the least understood and blissfully so. This is an area where I pray science will not prod, poke and distil down the emotional and biological components and unseen forces of energy involved into a test-tube so we can then take a pill or wear a patch to find true love. Fascinating really when you consider that at this moment ...

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The Voice of Intuition

The Voice of Intuition Women are said to have it. Intuition that is. While genetic maternal instincts may in fact hone this skill sharper than men, there is no question that we all have it. Here is what intuition or "intuitive thought" almost always is. Right. What happens most times is that in that microscopic gap between correct thought and the intrusion of engrained psychological excuses, we too often lose the ...

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Sometimes you have to stop...

Sometimes you have to stop... ...but rarely. I have discussed at great length before that ultimately what happens to negate the achievement of a goal is that we stop. We discontinue the activity that was moving us forward. The goal may be to finish a presentation or to reach the top in our field or to build a financial wall around our family that nothing can get through. All goals are ...

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The Smallest Acts

The Smallest ActsFreud once surmised that everything we do in life is based upon sexuality. All that we do he mused was entirely driven by sexual urges. I believe it is much more simplistic than that. I believe that all human action and interaction is based upon 11 muscles in the face. The muscles that make us smile. All activity and all endeavours in life have the desired end result of ...

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Faith And Doubt

Faith And Doubt The cornerstone of all personal and professional growth comes down to this. Belief or doubt. Whatever you believe you are good at generally turns out well. Whatever you doubt generally does not turn out so well. "I really don't think I am a good public speaker and in fact I'm afraid of it" says the man; and so the speech goes poorly, stuttering and stammering and losing his ...

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The 95 Factor Of Life

The 95 Factor Of Life "Who can I become and what can I create and what footprints in the sand can I leave behind"? Questions we all have and all ponder more often than we admit to the world. The answer is so much more than you realize. The question really for us all is what are we doing with what we have been given? Most of what happens in our ...

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I'm Becoming My Parents

Im Becoming My ParentsWe have all heard this adage in life. We tend to hear it more and the notion becomes more apparent after we get married, have our own children and then begin to hear statements come out of our own mouths that we heard growing up from our parents. I was listening to a commercial on the radio today that was talking about hockey and the voice said, "...

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The Story of The Seagull

The Story of The Seagull To say that I love this business of personal and professional growth would be one of the great understatements. I never perceive what I do as work and because of the fact that I feel like a kid in a candy store every day. Excited to present. Excited to discuss. Excited to teach and of great importance, excited to learn. Every new piece of information I ...

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What Is The Risk?

What Is The Risk? I was asked this question some time ago and it came up in a session again today.  The question was in response to setting the goal to achieve absolutely everything in life that is possible. To stand at the proverbial cliff and soar off into space. To really, once and for all find out the answer to the question, "What is really possible for me?"   The ...

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You Don't Always Know The Difference You Make

The Difference You Make Late this afternoon I had the great pleasure of receiving an email from a subscriber to our "Perspectives" daily email program. The person had taken the time to write a note, telling me how much she enjoyed it and looked forward to it everyday, adding "it is always filled with thought provoking, motivational and positive information."     It was one of the great experiences of the day ...

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