Find Your Other Soul Mate

Find Your Other Soul MateThe process of finding love is perhaps the least understood and blissfully so. This is an area where I pray science will not prod, poke and distil down the emotional and biological components and unseen forces of energy involved into a test-tube so we can then take a pill or wear a patch to find true love. Fascinating really when you consider that at this moment in time the world's population is said to be 7,096,741,023. That would be the haystack and your true love would in fact be the needle. Yet we do. People by the millions do it every day. Love is the catalyst that perpetuates the species. While this may appear to be a romanticization of every relationship on every continent it is not. Finding love, true love many times requires more than simply a glance across a dance floor or a casual conversation at the fresh fruit market. Many times it involves an incredible leap of faith and courage and belief that aborts reason and challenges logic and public wisdom. We watched a movie the other night that made me think of this. It was called "Love Actually" with Hugh Grant. Bad movie actually but it provided fodder for this perspective. It pointed out the challenge and courage required to find true love and to hold onto it. It made me think of another movie that was good "actually". "The Bridges of Madison County" was a great movie and a true portrayal of the power of true love. It's the story of the country wife who meets the photographer and succumbs to reason over what she knows to be her destiny. In one scene towards the end of the movie, while sitting in the truck with her husband she sees him in the pouring rain and reaches out for the handle on the door. At the last minute she pulls back and they drive off. She never sees him again. The next time she hears of him it is of his death. All that could have, should have been washed away. The clock ticks for us all on what is possible. What a great metaphor for life and our goals and dreams. We are all deserving of a great destiny. We are all deserving of having our heart beat in our chest like a teenager in love while moving forward towards a life of passion. Settling for what is right and rationale and reasonable should be something for others and not for you. It will take courage and strength and conviction to not only find your life's passion but to have the courage to ask it out on a date. A date that could and should last a lifetime. A life of passion is possible for you if you reach out and turn the handle. Know this. It can be your other soul mate. Have an excellent day.   Be well,   Randy Taylor   Buy The Books!
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