Anything Can Change

Anything.  Period.  All we need is the desire and the method.  The method can be found in any number of places.  The desire usually comes when you utter those most profound words.  "I just don't want to live like this anymore".  Once you do the action is put into motion to begin to focus in on the work that will bring about the change.  The belief is this process appeared to be rampant in our house one day a few years ago when my 6 year old proved out his own belief.  He had one of those days when the discipline ...

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Spring Cleaning is Not Just for the Spring

All the things you don't need in life have a way of just piling up.  With life moving at, well, the speed of life there are things about ourselves and our hopes and goals and dreams that can get out of control and be easily missed if we don't look inside from time to time.  I had a great chance to see this after getting back from a trip over the weekend.  While putting things away I we started going through closets and drawers.  We think of ourselves as those people who keep on top of things but after 2 boxes ...

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Know Well the Enemy

There is no straight path to any destination, be it victory or failure.  The path we all travel is a winding one full of pitfalls and surprises.  Rewards and heartbreak.  Along this journey we may encounter dips in the market.  Clients who change their mind mind-stream for no good reason.  New competition or missed opportunity. There is nothing more challenging that we face however than that voice in our head that is constantly challenging all of our hopes and goals and dreams.  I had a great conversation with a client and friend late today about how well his year had ...

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Just Write It Down

There are things we can do in life that have a questionable affect on what we can achieve.  There are others that can be measured.  At the top of the list is the power of the written word.  The simple act of capturing a thought on paper and proposing a step that will move us forwards, even in the smallest way possible, is the spark that creates the combustion between the dream and it's reality.  I was speaking at a sales conference last week and we were talking about those things that have the potential to breathe life into dreams.  ...

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Just Look in the Mirror

One of the great challenges when considering embarking on a new direction with new goals and dreams is to first get the mind to buy into it.  After all, it is belief that is the single greatest tool involved in the success process. Here is where you should look for inspiration.  In the mirror.  I want you to consider for a moment the current job you are in.  Then consider this.  What if the person you were on the first day when you stepped into your new career had a chance to interview you today and was able ...

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If you don't see the opportunity, give it a day

It turns out that the story was not as it was spun, but word had it that back in the early 1900's the director of the patent office was considering tendering his resignation because everything that could be invented already had.  I'm sure to many throughout history it would appear that the opportunity for bringing something new to the marketplace was fading to black.  I was reminded just how quickly things can change over the weekend.  While doing a mid winter spring cleaning we were debating what to do with the array of DVD's and VHS tapes that fill the ...

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When You Just Keep Walking

This is my hope for everyone. That you keep walking.  Once you decide where you want to go and more importantly why, then what needs to be done is to strap on a good pair of shoes and start walking.  An interesting thing happens when you start walking and you don't stop.  From time to time you get to look over your shoulder and it gives you a perspective of just how far you have come.  Before long your house gets smaller and smaller until you can't see it anymore.  Then your street disappears out of sight.  Pretty soon you ...

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Don't Miss the Funny

Emotions are the barometer of life.  Emotions determine how our lives are going day-by-day, hour-by-hour and minute-by-minute.  This makes us sad.  That makes us excited.  Another thing makes us afraid.  I have long held the belief that Freud was wrong when he espoused that sexual desire was the absolute driving force in life.  That may be a part of it but I firmly believe that it is 11 muscles in our face that determine our life's satisfaction.  These 11 muscles are what make it possible for us to smile.  It's the lazy man's answer to a life of fulfilment.  Afterall, it takes 23 ...

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The Sweetness of Doing Nothing

I quite love the classroom of the world.  We never get to know where the next lesson will come from or when.  We humans seem to live great conflicted lives during great conflicted times.  "What is the prize?  What is this all about?  What is the meaning of my life?  Am I doing all I can to become all I am deserving of"?  The last has become my life's work.  To take what I have learned over all these years and use it to help others tap into their true potential.  This whole process of personal growth however can at ...

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The seeds of passion

It all matters. Everything in life has a point and offers the chance to see our lives from a different perspective or to have our own, sometimes fledgling beliefs strengthened.  This story came to me before, but the words written on the pages of the book given to me as a birthday present from my father-in-law settled into that part of the brain where I took notice. The book is called "The Last Lecture".  Many of you have likely heard of the story of the young professor who, when faced with certain death from pancreatic cancer decided to do for ...

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Taylormade Leadership

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