Why Do You Suppose That Is?

Change happens so gradually it is hard to notice just how incredibly far we have come.  I was looking something up on the Internet the other day and it made me think of something that Jim Rohn said to an audience years ago.  He was talking about the importance of gaining knowledge and the fact that less than 3% of the population had a library card and they are free!  Noting that all of the knowledge of mankind is contained in a library.  He went on to pose the question, "Why is it than in the homes of almost every wealthy ...

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How Do You Show Up In The Media

We live in an age of instant messaging and permanent record.  I remember when I first started in broadcasting.  Back in the early 80's pretty much the only source for a story were the reporters themselves.  It was rare that a member of the public would be the source or capture an event on camera.  Also what was reported was almost exclusively the choice and purview of the media.  Not so today.  Every one of us with a cell phone camera or Facebook page or Twitter account can fill in for the nightly news.  It's different today.  The record of ...

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Play Your Best Song When No One's Watching

We just need to get better.  Jim Rohn once said, "If you want more you just need to become more".  That's it really.  When we are born we come into this world kicking and screaming. Sleeping and eating and not much else.  All the actions we invest in over the days and months and years develop who we are and what we are capable of.  Think of any skill you have.  Chances are when you first began you were terrible.  I was.  The first time you played the guitar. Cooked a meal.  Made a sale.  Wrote a letter.  It is ...

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Don't Wait For Perfection

Have you ever noticed the excuses that pop up in your mind to put something off until, well, tomorrow?  These excuses are the expression of the doubt created in our minds through the experiences of life.  Some of the experiences are actually our own.  Most however are put there through the power of suggestion from everyone and everything around us.  One of the great examples of the excuse of doubt comes ...

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Be Honest With You!

Since we were looking up at kneecaps we have been told a few simple rules that will serve us through life. Work hard, treat others as you want to be treated, tell the truth and above all be honest.  Honesty is one of the great benchmarks of society and business and life.  We are told over and over again the importance of being honest with others.  No question it is one of the great character traits and it's something I tell my own children over and over.  After a session with a client I began thinking about honesty and how ...

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Set the Goal to Hide the Wires

If we are lucky. Really lucky, we get to do those things in life that our heart beats for. It's different for us all. Some may find passion in nature. Others in capturing an image in a picture, or on a canvas or in the creation of a relationship that provides for mutual benefit. Regardless of what it is we do "for a living" the world rewards those whose skills go from good to better then best. Think back to when you started anything. Even those things you may have had a natural aptitude for. We just weren't that good. ...

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What is Really Possible?

I love to stand back and watch the reaction when I ask this question.  It is usually the first question I ask of all audiences I speak to.  I think it is one of the great questions of life and remarkably one almost no one takes the time to ask. As we spin about in a communication driven world, fuelled by the Internet and Facebook;  CNN and MySpace;  Instant messaging, text on the go and video conferencing, this one little question gets lost in the frantic pace of life.  I mean take a moment and really consider it.  Isn't finding ...

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Failing on the Way to Success

There is no straight path to victory.  There just isn't .  It never was and never will be that way.  Along the way to our destination we can be almost certain that the pitfalls and obstacles will challenge our resolve.  For many the sad reality is that they stop.  They become convinced that this one challenge is the battle to end all battles and we wave the white flag of surrender.  For others it only serves to strengthen and teach.  While waiting for an appointment I was leafing through a book.  It told the story of the failures of history that ...

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Build Your Life and Then Work Around It

Those who are very fortunate in life love their work. The emotions that erupt from personal satisfaction blur between the hours divided from our so called "work" and "private" life.  For those not entirely enamored with the time spent "working" there is a very important step to take that is necessary in ensuring a certain quality of life.  This endeavor was noted in the words of the American Constitution.  It was called "The Pursuit of Happiness".  Happiness for a great many comes from that precious part of our lives we carve out to live and enjoy and smile and relax.  ...

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Are You Listening?

We often are reminded of how important it is to listen.  Statements like "we have one mouth and two ears so you should listen twice as often as we talk" are common place.  Listening is not only polite and thoughtful, it's also potentially life changing.  At a meeting I spoke at today the regional manager shared a story that changed his life.   As a boy growing up in a small town in India he was told again and again that it didn't matter if you went to school or not you would still end up as a farmer and broke.  ...

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