Published on February 13, 2015

The most damaging refrain we all hear throughout life is "Are we there yet"? It's a voice we begin hearing as a child that becomes progressively louder throughout life. The persistence necessary to continue on with the activity that will see our goal come to fruition is challenged at every corner. The truth is that it is just a voice. Just a thought ...
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Published on February 12, 2015

Here is an absolute in life. The road is never flat. Often what stops us from winning or succeeding are the bumps along the way. The obstacles, roadblocks, detours and just downright challenges that give us pause to ask, "Can I really get over or around or through this and keep going?" If the answer is "I don't think so&...
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Published on February 11, 2015
...are created equal. Here is an interesting fact to consider. Human beings are the only species on this entire earth that has the capacity to limit our potential. You can't ask a tree to grow to half of its size. You can't ask an ant to limit its activity in search of food and shelter. Because of the genetic code they know no other way. ...
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Published on February 09, 2015
Here is a question that begs asking. "How much of your work day feels rushed and out of control?" If you are in the majority your answer is "most of it". Here is something we hear said in public over and over and no doubt hear ourselves voice this silently as well. "There are just not enough hours in the day". The truth is ...
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Published on February 06, 2015
Confidence that is. I had the chance to attend a presentation on financial planning by one of the top in the field. The speaker was fascinating and along with a number of interesting points I took away, the most lasting impression was just him. His presence. His command of the room. Here is what was at the root of all of this and I believe the most powerful attribute he brings ...
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Published on February 05, 2015
The process of finding love is perhaps the least understood and blissfully so. This is an area where I pray science will not prod, poke and distil down the emotional and biological components and unseen forces of energy involved into a test-tube so we can then take a pill or wear a patch to find true love. Fascinating really when you consider that at this moment ...
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Published on February 04, 2015
Women are said to have it. Intuition that is. While genetic maternal instincts may in fact hone this skill sharper than men, there is no question that we all have it. Here is what intuition or "intuitive thought" almost always is. Right. What happens most times is that in that microscopic gap between correct thought and the intrusion of engrained psychological excuses, we too often lose the ...
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Published on February 03, 2015
...but rarely. I have discussed at great length before that ultimately what happens to negate the achievement of a goal is that we stop. We discontinue the activity that was moving us forward. The goal may be to finish a presentation or to reach the top in our field or to build a financial wall around our family that nothing can get through. All goals are ...
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Published on February 02, 2015
Freud once surmised that everything we do in life is based upon sexuality. All that we do he mused was entirely driven by sexual urges. I believe it is much more simplistic than that. I believe that all human action and interaction is based upon 11 muscles in the face. The muscles that make us smile. All activity and all endeavours in life have the desired end result of ...
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