To anyone considering taking part in Randy’s program, I have one small piece of advice: just do it! For me, the experience has been one that truly removed the veil of doubt from over my eyes and opened my sight to the true possibility of my own potential. The assignments Randy provides make you really look within yourself and discover truths that were either forgotten or never discovered to begin with. They provide action and accountability, key ingredients to the success of one’s goals. On top of the coaching, Randy always makes himself available to share ...
Elena Barone
"Randy is a great business and personal coach who connects on multiple levels.
He is very personable and works with those who want to be helped. I really enjoyed his approach to life as a movie. Fast forward to the last day of your life and what would it look like? Work back from there and build the script to make it happen.
Randy's coaching sessions are one of the best investments you can make in yourself and your business!
Barry Clement
Through the process of utilizing The Winner Within the changes in my life have been incredible, both from a business and a personal prospective. About a year and a half ago I decided to just dive in and trust the program and as a result have been able to make five times the money annually, build stronger relationships with my friends and family and ultimately develop a healthier lifestyle. I am proud to recommend Randy Taylor and The Winner Within program to my friends, family as well as clients as the most hands on personal development program I ...
Gary Doma
Director Life Sciences-IMS
After working with Randy Taylor for 10 months on a one on one basis I can say it was a very valuable and extremely timely experience. I think the most important things I took away were:
Creating a vision for the future and what I wanted to achieve
Setting up a tracking system for the business - I think the tracking system I set up with your help is far superior to the one we use at IG.
I have much better time management now - the tracking system helps and when it is coordinated with a day plan - ...
Zehra Mahoon
“"Randy Taylor was brought in to coach my team with The Winner Within. As we have had experience with coaches before my people were hesitant at first. That soon changed. Randy was able to connect with my people and myself and provided exceptional value in not only his clear understanding of the steps necessary to achieve goals but also in providing the tools necessary to succeed. Great job Randy. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to grow".
Mark Evanylo
Bell Canada Manager-Real estate division
I have read numerous books, attended numerous seminar/lectures, watched many videos on the theory but none of them show you how to start on the path and what to do to continue. Randy Taylor has mastered the process to truly become successful. I am now on my 6th month of the process and the changes I have seen in my personal, family and work life are almost unbelievable. Thanks Randy for making it so simple.
Jim French
CFP, CGA Senior Financial Consultant
Randy Taylor has done some great work for our region. What I like best about Randy's programs is that Randy is a student of his own teachings. Randy has the courage to seek out his passion and challenge any mindset to the contrary. Randy is a great business coach in helping us find balance in a very busy life. Trying to live in the present,
Tony Caron
Regional Director-F-55-Barrie
I want to personally thank Randy Taylor for thetremendous value and service he has provided over the past six months. I attribute your group and one on one sessions as the singlebiggest reason thatI have re-positioned my perspectives in a number of areas. I,like many have in the past been skeptical of services offered by various self-proclaimed“coaches”. My business and personal focus is moving in the desired direction thanks greatly to Randy’s mentorship. I have and will continue to recommend Randy Taylor’s program
. Gary Hogan
Randy creates breakthroughs. He helps you get balance, focus -- and direction. Double your income.
Julian Wise
Wise Advisory
"Randy Taylor was brought in to coach my team with The Winner Within. As we have had experience with coaches before my people were hesitant at first. That soon changed. Randy was able to connect with my people and myself and provided exceptional value in not only his clear understanding of the steps necessary to achieve goals but also in providing the tools necessary to succeed. Great job Randy. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to grow".
Mark Evanylo
Manager Bell Canada real estate
Over the years I have involved myself in many different programs, here in Canada and in the US, from NLP and Strategic Coach to Tony Robbins and some fabulous selling programs, books and audio material. Randy Taylor’s ideas, positive philosophy and the consistent, regular follow- up, is exactly what I have been missing -- and I just love how all the pieces of my life are coming together as a result of your influence. I told our Region Director today that Randy Taylor is the best thing that's happened to our ...
Jeremy Parsons
"I had the privilege of being introduced to Randy late in 2010 and knew from our very first conversation he had something different to offer. All too often industry coach have great talks but don't have the knowledge or material to make them a highly valued part of an advisor's success. Randy is unique in that he brings passion, knowledge and commitment along with his bag of tools. The result, best year of my career to date, daily resources I use and will continue to use. Knowledge that Randy's commitment is genuine and sincere. Randy brings what ...
Stephen Palmer