Published on November 14, 2014
I write the days perspective every day. I have for over 4 years now. Sometimes I come across something that is sent to me that I just have to share. Consider this today's perspective. It was sent to me by my Mother-in-law.
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just ...
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Published on November 13, 2014
There Are Few Real Accidents. We live in a world of blame. The economy is responsible for my BBQ not turning out well. I didn't catch the fish because the boat wasn't big enough. The girl never called back because my neighbour picked on me in grade two. I can't get ahead because of the thunderstorm. I hope the illustration of the ridiculous nature of the ...
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Published on November 12, 2014
The great clue of what will bring us what we need is clearly cited in the bible. It states,"Ask and ye shall receive". It doesn't say think about asking. It says ask. Funny thing that happens on the way through life. Over and over and over again this great philosophy is beaten out of us. "You should not ask for too much. Don't be greedy. Wait until someone ...
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Published on November 11, 2014
Today marks a day that should be the pinnacle of gratitude and the benchmark to weigh our challenges against. This is a day of recognition and remembrance. At ceremonies across this country veterans will gather with their families, small children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and friends to solemnly recall the incredible sacrifice; marking the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Prayers will be offered ...
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Published on November 11, 2014
But I will continue to grow. Nothing on earth is static. Every thought. Every action. Every interaction creates something new. Its easy to feel stuck in a certain situation when circumstances and outcomes don't appear to change. We've often heard of the saying "its like watching paint dry". Even the drying of paint is a process in motion. Just because we can't see it change or don't feel like it will doesn't mean ...
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Published on November 10, 2014
One of the aspects of business life that I see people challenged by over and over again is the roller coaster of life. It is one of the great frustrations especially for those who are self-employed or who live in a commission based world. Here is the scenario. The individual has no new clients and no new business so they panic and work like crazy ...
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Published on November 07, 2014
There are so many different parts of life that we will pass through. From infancy through our toddler years into childhood, teenage angst and our adult years all bring their own unique qualities and challenges. I remember like it was yesterday that I was the kid. For the longest time I was referred to as just that. The kid. I was homeless at 14. 16 when I began ...
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Published on November 05, 2014
We have all heard the adage many times no doubt that there are just so many hours in the day. Most times when we hear this it is coming from someone looking to articulate the reasons why this has not worked out or that was done. I think most often its not that we don't have enough time but rather enough fuel to, as Larry the Cable Guy ...
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Published on November 04, 2014
There are great and simple philosophies that stand the test of time and can serve us today perhaps better than they did from the point of origin. What I look for every day are the words and philosophies that can help others stay the course and not give in to the liar in their head that says its not working. It is so sad to know just how many of ...
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Published on November 03, 2014
You are going to mess up. I am going to mess up. We are all going to mess up. Accept it. It's part of being a member of that upright species we sometimes call Frank or Susan or James. I've often thought of our journey here as being like the bumper cars you see at the country fair. In our attempt to move forward ...
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