But will I continue to grow?

"But I will continue to grow". Nothing on earth is static. Every thought. Every action. Every interaction creates something new. Its easy to feel stuck in a certain situation when circumstances and outcomes don't appear to change. We've often heard of the statement that "its like watching paint dry". Even the drying of paint is a process in motion. Just because we can't see it change or don't feel like it will doesn't mean it is not or it can't. I had a discussion with a client earlier today over this exact same topic. They had reached a point and felt incapable of reaching higher. There is a simple process of breaking through and achieving what you are deserving of. To have more you simply must become more. I related the story of Sir Edmund Hilary who of course was the first man to climb Mount Everest. He failed on his first attempt and when he returned to the U.S. he was asked to speak to a large gathering. Taking the stage he strolled past the podium and stood directly in front of a huge picture of the mountain. Standing there he raised his fist and shouted. "You are as big as you will ever get. But I will continue to grow". Know that that is the absolute truth. It is possible for any of us to move beyond where we are at this moment if we make just that commitment. The commitment to grow and to become more. If we own that philosophy as our own we can then know that we have the tools to become all that we need be. The next time what appears to be a mountain rears up in front of you, raise your fist high and shout, "But I will continue to grow". Have an excellent day.
Taylormade Leadership

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